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Leviticus - Living with God Present
Why God? Songs of Justice
Leviticus - Life with a Holy God
Luke's Gospel - Discipleship 101
Summer Bible Studies 2023 - Colossians
Psalms in the Summer
The Greatness of God's Kingdom
Christmas Day 2022
Advent of the King
The King's Birthday
Advent 2022
2 Thess - Living in the Light of The Day
Micah - Who is a God like You?
Pioneers - Daveys
Doctrine of God
A World that knows Jesus
Acts of the Apostles - The Gospel for the World
A Better and Brighter Future
1 John - Confidence for Christians
Church Matters (One-off)
Exodus - Rescued for Relationship
The Gospel of Luke - God's Kingdom Fulfilled
Ruth - In God's Sovereign Kindness
Obadiah - Pride before the Fall
2 Timothy - Guarding the Promise of Life
Haggai - First Things First
Daniel - Living with Beasts
Looking to the Second Advent
Christmas Day
Advent of The Seed
Baptism Sunday
Ruth - God's Kindness and Providence
2 Corinthians - God's Power in Human Weakness
Thanksgiving Sunday - One off
Jude - Contending for the Faith
Ephesians - Our Place in God's Plan
Romans - The Gospel of God
Ecclesiates - Life Outside the Garden
Exodus-The God Who Rescues
Exodus - God Dwells with Us
The Gospel of Luke
Kick-off Sunday 2021
Hebrews: Don't Drift but Draw Near
SBS - Hebrews: Don't Drift but Draw Near
True Gifts at Christmas
Luke's Gospel
Proverbs - Wisdom for Life
Acts - Mission Unstoppable Pt 2
Psalms Book IV
Psalms for our times
1 Peter: Exiles with Hope
Romans-The Gospel of God
Romans:The Gospel of God
From Captivity to Covenant-The Journey Continues!
Joseph-God's Sovereign Good Despite Evil
John's Gospel- Easter Sunday
Kick-off Sunday
Life in God's Kingsom
Life in God's Kingdom
Revival? Josaiah's Reforms
Titus - Delivering the Goods
Foundational Things
Christmas Morning
Christmas Eve Service
The Advent of the King
The Advent of the King who...
The Advent of the King who'll...
Mission Unstoppable
Knowing and Doing God's Will
Rooted and Built Up in Christ
Acts - Mission Unstoppable
Doctrine Series 2019
Jacob: God's Sovereign Grace
Essentials for Living Well
From Captivity to Covenant
2 Peter
WNA 2019
No Other Gospel
Good Friday
Palm Sunday
Being Christ's Disciples
Trinity Sunday
Esther - Summer Bible Studies
The King in whom we trust
Psalms of the Word
Galatians: True Gospel, True Freedom
True Gospel, True Freedom
Doctrine Series 2018
Who can we trust?
Genesis: The Life of Faith
Big Day In 2018
1 Corinthians: Church Matters
Easter Sunday
John's Gospel
Jesus: God's Amazing Saviour
Thanksgiving Sunday
The Ten Words
Apologetics 2017
Songs for the Soul: Psalms
Reformation Matters 2017
HTD Daniel 2017
HTD 2 Thessalonians 2017
HTD Hebrews 2017
HTD Genesis 2017
HTD Matthew 2017
HTD Sunday
HTD Jonah 2017
Summer Bible Studies
HTD One-off 2017
HTD Christmas 2016
HTD Doncaster Carols
HTD Advent in Luke
HTD Advent 2016
HTD Luke 2016
HTD Joshua 2016
HTD 1 Thessalonians
HTD Colossians 2016
HTD One Chapter Wonders
HTD Mini Series: The problem with Christians is...
HTD Habakkuk 2016
HTD 1 Samuel 2016
HTD Philemon
One Chapter Wonders
HTD Romans 2016
HTD Genesis 2016
HTD Judges 2016
HTD Easter 2016
HTD Matthew 2016
HTD Titus 2016
HTD Summer Bible Studies 2016
HTD Psalms 2016
HTD Advent 2015
HTD Malachi 2015
HTD Thanksgiving Sunday 2015
HTD Galatians 2015
HTD 2 John 2015
HTD Titus 2015
HTD Judges 2015
HTD A Life of Faith 2015
HTD Trinity Training Program 2015
HTD Should We Fear.....? 2015
HTD The Surpassing Glory of Jesus 2015
HTD Psalms 2015
HTD 2 Timothy 2015
HTD Jonah 2015
HTD Romans
HTD Easter 2015
HTD Luke 2015
HTD The King and His Kingdom 2015
HTD Amazingly Rich 2015
HTD Matthew 2015
HTD Summer Studies B 2015 - Ruth
HTD Summer Studies A 2015 - Lamentations
HTD Job 2015
HTD Three Women and Advent 2014
HTD 2 Peter 2014
HTD Philippians 2014
HTD Matthew 8 2014
HTD Genesis 2014
HTD Zechariah 2014
HTD Church and Worship 2014
HTD James 2014
HTD John Calvin 2014
HTD Revelation 2014
HTD Colossians 2014
HTD Easter 2014
HTD Luke 2014
HTD Identity of Jesus 2014
HTD Psalms 2014
HTD John 2014
HTD The Good Life 2014
HTD Trinity Sunday 2014
HTD Matthew 2014
HTD Summer Studies 2014
HTD John 2013
HTD The Coming Glory 2013
HTD Hebrews 2013
HTD The Doctrine of Atonement 2013
HTD Exodus 2013
HTD Amos 2013
HTD Psalms 2013
HTD Food for Soul 2013
HTD Ephesians 2013
HTD Judges 2013
HTD The Ten Commandments 2013
HTD Job 2013
HTD Prayer 2013
HTD Marriage 2013
HTD Believe in-Credible Truth 2013
HTD Sermon on the Mount 2013
HTD Ruth 2013
HTD Luke 2013
HTD James 2013
HTD 1 Corinthians 2013
HTD James 2013
HTD Miscellaneous 2013
HTD Joel 2013
HTD Shadows of Glory - Exodus - 2013
HTD Beginnings 2012
HTD Cruciform Believers 2012
HTD The Suffering of Christians Today 2012
HTD Evangelistic Baptism Service 2012
HTD Miscellaneous 2012
HTD The First Five Books 2012
HTD 1 Corinthians 2012
HTD Zechariah 2012
HTD Daniel 2012
HTD Promoting the Gospel 2012
HTD John 2012
HTD Ecclesiastes 2012
HTD Romans 2012
HTD Mark 2012
HTD Trinity Sunday 2012
HTD The Gospel Unleashed - Acts of the Apostles 2012
HTD Titus 2012
HTD Perspectives on Jesus 2011
Language Bilingual - Romans 2011
Language Bilingual - Revelation 2011
HTD Mark 2011
HTD Romans 2011
HTD 1 Kings 2011
HTD 2 Timothy 2011
HTD Isaiah 2011
Language Bilingual - Leviticus 2011
Language Bilingual - Mark 2011
HTD Ephesians 2011
HTD All Age Services 2011
Language Bilingual - 2 Samuel 2011
Language Bilingual - Psalm 2011
HTD Psalms 2011
HTD Growing in Godliness - 2 Peter 2011
Language Bilingual - John 2011
HTD Ruth 2011
HTD Exodus 2011
HTD The Crux 2011
HTD The Crux
HTD The Christian at Prayer 2011
HTD 2 Thessalonians 2011
Language Bilingual - Ecclesiastes 2011
Language Bilingual - Isaiah 2011
Language Bilingual - Ephesians 2011
HTD 1 John 2011
HTD Changed by Jesus - John 2011
HTD Zephaniah 2011
HTD Miscellaneous 2011
Language Bilingual - 2 Kings 2011
HTD The Lion Roars - Amos - Summer Bible Expositions 2011
Language Bilingual - Romans 2010
HTD Holy Spirit 2010
Language Bilingual - Matthew 2010
HTD Exodus 2010
Language Bilingual - 1 Timothy 2010
HTD Parenting Seminar 2010
Language Bilingual - Luke 2010
Language Bilingual - Mark 2010
Language Bilingual - John 2010
HTD God Gives - Ephesians 2010
HTD Psalms 2010
Language Bilingual - Haggai 2010
HTD Jonah 2010
HTD The Path: The Will of God for Your Life 2010
Language Bilingual - Miscellaneous 2010
HTD Luke 2010
HTD 1 Thessalonians 2010
HTD Miscellaneous 2010
HTD Zephaniah 2010
Language Bilingual - Galatians 2010
Language Bilingual - Malachi 2010
HTD True Christian Freedom 2010
HTD Sermon on the Mount 2010
Language Bilingual - 1 John 2010
HTD Hope for the Helpless - Summer Bible Expositions 2010
HTD Messianic Psalms 2010
HTD Birth of the Savior King - Luke 2009
Language Bilingual - 1 John 2009
Language Bilingual - Judges 2009
HTD My Messenger - Malachi 2009
HTD Faith on Trial - Acts 2009
Language Bilingual - Malachi 2009
HTD Revelation 2009
HTD Jude 2009
HTD Jesus: Matthew 2009
HTD Hosea 2009
HTD Genesis 2009
HTD Salvation 2009 - How and Why Does God Saves Us?
HTD Acts 2009
HTD Colossians 2009
HTD Cross Paths: Matthew 2009
HTD Cross Paths: Luke 2009
HTD Miscellaneous 2009
HTD Songs of Life - Psalms 2009
HTD Prophet of Glory - Ezekiel 2009
HTD What Would Jesus Pray 2008
HTD Light and Life to All He Brings 2008
HTD 1 Samuel 2008
HTD Psalms 2008
HTD Exodus 2008
HTD James 2008
HTD 1 Corinthians 2008
HTD Jonah 2008
HTD Love, Sex, Relationships 2008
HTD Fortune, Fame and Faith 2008
HTD Hell and Heaven 2008
HTD Jesus Confronts the World 2008
HTD Trinity Lectures 2008
HTD Miscellaneous 2008
HTD 1 Corinthians 2008 - Using Spiritual Gifts
HTD Why Jesus Came to Die 2008
HTD Daniel 2008
HTD Mark this Man 2008
HTD 2 Corinthians 2008
HTD Ezekiel 2007
HTD John 2007
HTD Daniel 2007
HTD 1 Samuel 2007
HTD Trinity Lectures 2007
HTD Deuteronomy 2007 - Series 3
HTD Forum 2007
HTD Acts 2007
HTD 1 Timothy 2007
HTD Deuteronomy 2007 - Series 2
HTD 2 Peter 2007
HTD Miscellaneous 2007
HTD Romans 2007
HTD Prayer Series 2007
HTD Hebrews 2007
HTD Luke 2007
HTD Deuteronomy 2007 - Series 1
HTD 2 Thessalonians 2006
HTD 1 Thessalonians 2006
HTD Luke 2006
HTD Daniel 2006
HTD Zephaniah 2006
HTD Trinity Lectures 2006
HTD Romans 2006
HTD Revelation 2006
HTD John 2006
HTD Philemon 2006
HTD 1 Peter 2006
HTD Miscellaneous 2006
HTD Malachi 2006
HTD Titus 2006
HTD Matthew 2006
HTD Psalms 2006
HTD 1 Corinthians 2006
HTD Acts 2006
HTD Hebrews 2006
HTD Mark 2006
HTD 1 John 2006
HTD Matthew 2005
HTD English Protestant Reformation 2005
HTD 1 Peter 2005
HTD Revelation 2005
HTD Habakkuk 2005
HTD Trinity Lectures 2005
HTD Mark 2005
HTD Luke 2005
HTD 1 Samuel 2005
HTD Acts 2005
HTD Lamentations 2005
HTD John 2005
HTD Colossians 2005
HTD The Hour has Come 2005
HTD - 7 Deadly Sins 2005
HTD Philippians 2005
HTD Christian Leadership - 1 Corinthians 2005
HTD Miscellaneous 2005
HTD Proverbs 2004
HTD Malachi 2004
HTD Solomon 2004
HTD Acts 2004
HTD Genesis 2004
HTD Haggai 2004
HTD Ezra 2004
HTD 2 Corinthians 2004
HTD 1 Corinthians 2004
HTD Jeremiah 2004
HTD Romans 2005
HTD Ephesians 2004
HTD Joel 2004
HTD Luke 2004
HTD John 2004
HTD The Trinity 2004
HTD Matthew 2004
HTD John 2004
HTD Titus 2004
HTD Philippians 2004
HTD Song of Solomon 2004
HTD Miscellaneous 2004
HTD Summer Studies 2001
HTD Galatians 2004
HTD Summer Studies 2004
HTD Psalms 2004
HTD 1 Timothy 2003
HTD Matthew 2003
HTD 1 Corinthians 2003
HTD Habakkuk 2003
HTD Colossians 2003
HTD Galatians 2003
HTD Leviticus 2003
HTD Malachi 2003
HTD Ephesians 2003
HTD John 2003
HTD Romans 2003
HTD 2 Corinthians 2003
HTD 2 Thessalonians 2003
HTD Hebrews 2003
HTD Luke 2003
HTD What is God Like? 2003
HTD Miscellaneous 2003
HTD Psalms 2003
HTD Summer Studies - Proverbs 2003
HTD Song of Solomon 2002
HTD 2 Peter 2002
HTD 1 Corinthians 2002
HTD Judges 2002
HTD Ephesians 2002
HTD Philippians 2002
HTD Nahum 2002
HTD 1 Peter 2002
HTD Obadiah 2002
HTD Matthew 2002
HTD Luke 2002
HTD Ruth 2002
HTD Mark 2002
HTD Romans 2002
HTD Deuteronomy 2002
HTD Psalms 2002
HTD Acts 2002
HTD Miscellaneous 2002
HTD James 2002 - Summer Series
HTD Parables - Luke 2002
HTD Colossians 2001
HTD John 2001
HTD Psalms 2001
HTD Romans 2001
HTD Jonah 2001
HTD Joshua 2001
HTD Micah 2001
HTD Acts 2001
HTD Miscellaneous 2001
HTD Mark 2001
HTD Jeremiah 2001
HTD Mark, the Man 2001
HTD Acts 2000
HTD Matthew 2001
HTD Luke 2001
HTD Exodus 2001
HTD 2 Timothy 2001
HTD Summer Studies - Way Out! - Exodus 2001
HTD Ephesians 2001
HTD 2 Timothy 2000
HTD Proverbs 2000
HTD 2 Thessalonians 2000
HTD Hebrews 2000
HTD Psalms 2000
HTD Haggai 2000
HTD 1 Thessalonians 2000
HTD Philippians 2000
HTD Matthew 2000
HTD 2 Corinthians 2000
HTD Marriage and Singleness 2000
HTD 1 Corinthians 1999-2000 - Chapter 15
HTD John 2000 - Chapters 17 - 21
HTD Genesis 2000
HTD Miscellaneous 2000
HTD John 2000 - Chapters 10 - 16
HTD Matthew 1999
HTD John 2000 - Chapters 1 - 9
HTD Psalms 1999
HTD John 1999
HTD 1 Corinthians 1999-2000 - Chapters 1 - 7
HTD 1 Corinthians 1999-2000 - Chapters 8 - 14
HTD Nehemiah 1999
HTD 3 John 1999
HTD 2 John 1999
HTD Jude 1999
HTD 2 Peter 1999
HTD Romans 1999
HTD Luke 1999
HTD Miscellaneous 1999
HTD Acts 1999
HTD Isaiah 1999
HTD Luke 1998
HTD Psalms 1998
HTD Miscellameous 1998
HTD Isaiah 1998
HTD 2 Kings 1998
HTD 1 Kings 1998
HTD Acts 1998
HTD 1 Peter 1998
HTD Revelation 1998 - Chapters 1 - 3
HTD Romans 1998
HTD Miscellaneous 1998
HTD Matthew 1998
HTD Daniel 1998
HTD Revelation 1998 - Summer Series - Chapters 15 - 22
HTD 1 Samuel 1998
HTD Christmas 1997
HTD Genesis 1997
HTD Matthew (3) 1997
HTD Luke 1997
HTD Amos 1997
HTD Matthew (2) 1997
HTD Acts 1997
HTD Philippians 1997
HTD Miscellaneous 1997
HTD Matthew (1) 1997
HTD Revelation 1997 - Summer Series - Chapters 4 - 14
HTD Matthew 1997
HTD Matthew 1996
HTD Luke 1996
HTD John 1996
HTD Esther 1996
HTD Deuteronomy 1996
HTD Psalms 1996
HTD Miscellaneous 1996
HTD Ephesians 1996
Confirmation Services
Faith@Work 2014: Conquer or Conform
Language Bilingual - 1 Timothy 2011
HTD Advent in Luke 2016
HTD Deuteronomy 2016
HTD Philippians 2016
Summer Bible Studies - Part 1 of Josiah's Reforms
- Browse Speakers -
Steve Abbott
Peter Adam
Frank Andersen
Iain Baker
Paul Barker
Paul Barnett
Rhys Bezzant
David Bickerdike
Bishop Genieve Blackwell
Tim Bowden
Chris Bowditch
Stuart Brooking
Matt Brooks-Lloyd
Lisa Brown
Steve Brown
Murray Campbell
Stephen Carnaby
Don Carson
Dave Chan
Michael Chao
John Chapman
Michael Chau
Gordon Cheng
Dietrich Cheung
Mark Chew
Fiona Chia
Graham Chiswell
Adam Ch'ng
Mike Clarke
David Claydon
Graham Cole
Keith Condie
Matthew Connelly
Denise Cooper-Clarke
Leroy Coote
Peter Corney
Megan Curlis-Gibson
Barbara Darling
Cam Davey
Glenn Davies
Howard Dillon
Paul Dudley
Carol Elfverson
Josiah Fearon
Jim Fleming
Michael Flynn
Linden Fooks
Archbishop Freier
Dave Fuller
Stewart Gill
Mark Glover
Andrew Godfrey
Bill Graham
Warwick Grant
Mike Greenwood
Stephen Hale
Geoff Hall
Scott Harrower
Vijay Henderson
Jordan Hitchcock
Alan Hoskin
Rod Imberger
David Jackman
Tim Johnson
Wei-Han Kaun
Matt Keller
Philip Knight
Jo Knight
Ariel Kurilowiecz
Jacob Kwashi
Jonathan Lamb
Murray Lamont
Adrian Lane
Timothy Lau
Noon Bid Lee
Andrew Livingstone
Claire Livingstone
Brad Lovegrove
Bryan Lynch-Wells
James MacBeth
Aung Mang
Rob Martin
Rod McArdle
Neville Mellor
Bob Mendelsohn
Phil Meulman
Tim Mildenhall
Chris Mitchell
Jeni Mitchell
Olivia Moffat
Andrew Moody
Tom Morgan
David Mulready
Ruth Newmarch
Denise Nicholls
Tony Nichols
Ricky Njoto
Doug Norman
Peter Thein Nyunt
Ben O'Brian
Stephen Than Myint Oo
Matt Ooi
Peter Orr
Evonne Paddison
Christian Pakpahan
Martin Pakula
Mike Parker
Conrad Parsons
Tim Patrick
Jimmy Pattinson
Mavis Payne
Ken Perry
Lisa Pike
Malcolm Potts
Josh Power
Gordon Preece
Andrew Prentice
Andrew Price
Andy Prideaux
Kanishka Raffel
Mike Raiter
Sachin Rajshekhar
Keith Rayner
Andrew Reid
Hilary Roath
Brian Rosner
Andrew Ruan
Danny Saunders
Ali Saunders
Matt Scheffer
Andrew Moody and Matt Scheffer
Wayne Schuller
Graeme Sells
Andrew Shead
Andrew Sloane
Jonathan Smith
Patrick Sookhdeo
Joseph Steinberg
Matt Stevens
John Stewart
Peter Stokes
Matthew Penn (RMIT Student)
Richard John (RMIT Student)
Josh Tay
William Taylor
John Thew
Devin Toh
Matt Vinicombe
Tim Walker
Gavin Ward
Ted Watkins
Peter Watson
Ian Weaver
Ian Weickhardt
Brian Westaway
Stuart White
David Williams
Lindsay Wilson
John Wilson
Paul Windsor
Ben Wong
Ivy Wong
Chris Wright
Rex Xie
Dafang Xu
Peter Young
Daniel Youssef
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Family Service
Language Bilingual Service
Mandarin Service
Special Service
Summer Bible Studies
Traditional Service
Weekend Not Away
Young Adults Service
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1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
Song of Solomon
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
A King Like No Other
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