Welcome and thanks for taking time to check out our website! We're group of ordinary people who follow an extraordinary person - Jesus Christ. We come from lots of different backgrounds and extend across two churches (St John's Blackburn and Holy Trinity Doncaster) but are united as one family in Christ. Please see below to find out more about our Vision, Beliefs, Values and Services. Or better yet, why not join us one Sunday!

Andrew Price,
Senior Pastor.

our vision

A world that glorifies God.

Our Mission

To go, gather and grow in Christ

Our Means

By prayerfully proclaiming and promoting God's Word in love.

Our Beliefs and Values

As an Anglican church, we are governed by Scripture, the 39 Articles, and the book of Common Prayer. We are thus in the Reformed Evangelical tradition.
Below summarises what we believe and the values we seek to live out under God.


'Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.' (Colossians 1:28)


We're a mixed group of people in two locations, who seek to know Jesus Christ more and make Him known.


You're very welcome at any of our services and if you'd like to become a member, we'd love to hear from you.