Our Leaders
At Holy Trinity and St John’s we take gospel ministry to young people seriously. This means we have many committed teams of young adults who come each Friday and Sunday to serve and teach and encourage the young people who come along. Each young person who attends our groups will be followed up and specifically cared for by group leaders. Every leader has a current Working with Children Check and Police Check. Below you can get to know our leaders from HTY, JTs and WORD Youth. Back to Youth here

Geoff - Youth Pastor
Geoff is married to Tiff. Before HTD Geoff was a carpenter, after which both he and Tiff did a ministry training apprenticeship. They then studied together at Bible college. Geoff loves to teach the bible to young people and to equip them to use it themselves. He enjoys encouraging them to grow up in maturity in Christ and training others to do the same. To relax Geoff likes to go for bike rides with Tiff; sometimes slow and easy and sometimes fast and difficult. He enjoys lying in the sun, listening to music, making coffee and watching YouTube.
Geoff is married to Tiff. Before HTD Geoff was a carpenter, after which both he and Tiff did a ministry training apprenticeship. They then studied together at Bible college. Geoff loves to teach the bible to young people and to equip them to use it themselves. He enjoys encouraging them to grow up in maturity in Christ and training others to do the same. To relax Geoff likes to go for bike rides with Tiff; sometimes slow and easy and sometimes fast and difficult. He enjoys lying in the sun, listening to music, making coffee and watching YouTube.

Hello! My name is Jane, I am one of the youth leaders for the year 10 and 11 girls. During the week I am full-time university student studying dietetics at Monash! I love the bible studies that we do here at HTY, and it’s always a joy to be challenged, learn and grow with one another! We have a great community here, and it’s always an enjoyable time when HTY is on 🙂

Hi, I’m Jenn and I lead year 7-8 girls at JTs on Sunday morning. I love developing relationships and having fun with the youth, whilst seeing them grow and learn more about Jesus. Outside of Sunday mornings, I study medicine at Monash University.

My name is Peter Lin. I Lead 7-8 Boys with Peter Goh. I’m currently unemployed but when working I am in the Childcare industry as a Room Assistant. As someone who works with children, I am always excited to see that click moment when a child learns a new skill or knowledge. This also applies to learning skills and knowledge for Christian living. HTY has been a great place where I have seen youth learn from the bible and apply it to their interactions with each other. And it’s great that I get to be a part of their Christian journey.

My name is Alex! I co-lead the Year 7-8 boys’ group at HTY. During the week I study creative writing at university full time. I love serving at HTY because it allows me to help young people grow in their knowledge of God and their faith in our saviour. Even though we sometimes get off track it’s a great time and we learn lots, even if sometimes it means we’re a bit late for supper! We have tons of fun at youth together and its honestly a highlight of my week to hang out with the youth and the other leaders. During the week I love to spend time with my family; I love cooking and hanging out with my friends, but more often than not I find myself a few seasons into a TV series. I’m very excited to be leading at HTY and I look forward to working with the youth on their faith journey; HTY helped me lots during my high school years and I want to give the current youth that same experience as a leader.

My name is Reanna Tan and I lead the Year 9-10 Girls. Do during the week I am studying a Bachelor of Information Technology and Commerce at Monash University. I love hanging out with friends, watching movies and playing the piano. I love HTY because it was the first place I felt at home at when I first moved from overseas as a high school student. It’s a great place for nurturing faith and friendships. Highly recommend!

My name is Stef Wong and I lead the Year 9/10 Girls. Currently, I am completing my Master of Divinity at Ridley College while working part time as an aged care physiotherapist. At hty I love walking alongside the younger generation and growing together in Christ.

Hello, I'm Ruth and I lead the Year 7 girls! I love that HTY is a safe place to build and strengthen our relationships with one another and grow together in our love for Jesus. It's a joy to be able to challenge and encourage the youth in their faith journey. During the week, I work in healthcare and research. I'm currently taking a couple of gap years off before doing my Master's in Clinical Psychology. In my spare time, I like to cook, catch up with friends, go to the gym, and like any true Melbournian, I'm a sucker for a good coffee and brunch food!

Hi I'm James He, one of the HTY Execs and I lead the Year 12s this year! During the week I work as an engineer managing our electricity network and off work I like to cook, listen to music, play games, cycle and pat as many pets as I can. I love serving at HTY and I'm always super encouraged by the youths and our leaders and I look forward to seeing what God will do at HTY this year!

My name is Lilly and I lead the 11-12 girls. I love HTY for the fantastic opportunity to do ministry with high schoolers! It is lovely to see my youth girls continue to grow in Christ and see how God is able to challenge them through closer analysis of passages each week 😊 During the week I study and am currently finishing off a postgraduate degree. I also play weekly badminton with my friends and take my dog out for long and relaxing runs around my neighbourhood.

Hello Everyone! I’m Vanessa 🙂 I’m excited to be serving in the youth ministry and to journey along with our youths! My experience at HTY may have been short lived but it was indeed impactful and memorable and I hope our youths can have the same experience! Wave hi if you see me around, I’ll probably be holding a cup of coffee 🙂

Hello! My name is Emma Too, so you'll often hear me referred to as Emma 2 (and occasionally Emma 3). I am in my second year of Commerce at the University of Melbourne. At HTY, I lead the Year 8 girls with Stef. I remember being a part of HTY myself, so coming back as a leader allows me to relive those fun memories whilst inspiring and encouraging the kids on their walk with Christ, just as my leaders did to me. I look forward to being able to grow in faith alongside the kids each Friday night.

Hi, I'm Michelson.
I'm currently a student studying Computer Science at Monash University. When I'm not being a student, I enjoy playing various sports (such as table tennis and badminton), following Formula One, and hanging out with my friends, amongst other things. In my spare time, I am also a volunteer staff member at Melbourne High School for the Army Cadets program (which is a youth development organisation). As well as the opportunity to serve God and to serve others. Some of the motivations for me to become a youth leader include how fun it can be working with others (both youth and leaders), as well as how rewarding it can be when you see the youths grow up and become more mature individuals. My goal as a youth leader is to make bible study loads of fun, as well as more engaging, worth it and relevant, for the youth.

Hi there, my name is Emma and I lead the Year 7 girls at HTY Youth! During the week I am currently studying at Monash University. The best part of youth is seeing firsthand the relationships the youth form with one another, as well as with their leaders.

Hey there, I am Ronald, you can call me Ron or Ronald, whatever floats your boat! I am currently in university, and am completing my Bachelor’s Degree, no I have no clue what I want to do afterwards haha but keep asking though! I sometimes ask the Youth at HTY what they want to be when they grow up because I’m still looking for ideas ;). As you can tell I am quite an easy going and relaxed bloke, don’t worry though, the Youth are in good hands as you can clearly tell. Haha, but on a more serious note, I thoroughly enjoy leading at HTY (that may be because I too have the heart of a highschooler, but that’s a completely different discussion) as we get to serve whilst having fun with the Youth and eat delicious foods every week! In my spare time, I coach swimming and basketball and also referee a bit of basketball here and there, as you can see I am quite involved with things of a coaching and teaching nature, and that’s because when someone improves or is actively working to harness their potential, the amount of joy and feelings of fulfillment one feels as their coach / teacher is unparalleled. I hope to go through the revolutions of leading Youth Group enough, so that I one day see the Year 7's and ultimately graduate Year 12’s 🙂

I’m Josh and I lead the Year 9 boys. During the week I study medicine at Monash Uni, fumble around on the netball court and soccer pitch and have music playing almost 24/7. I remember fondly my days as a youth (which wasn’t that long ago) – the dinner, games and fellowship to end each school week – and the faith-based encouragement my own leaders provided me during the struggles of growing up. I therefore think it’s a blessing to be part of some young people’s journeys through adolescence, and to grow in Christ alongside them :)).

I'm Grace and I lead the Grade 6 - 12 girls with Jess at WORD Youth! During the week, I work as an accountant. Outside of work, I like to go brunch-ing, listen to music, go on walks or hikes and do anything spontaneous with my friends! At WORD Youth, I look forward to building relationships with the girls and encouraging one another as we gather around God's Word!

Hai there,
I’m Nathan, and I have the pleasure of co leading the youth at WORD Youth on Sunday afternoons alongside Geoff, Grace and Jess. I love this opportunity to be able to encourage and journey alongside the youth, as they are equipped and develop a biblical worldview centered on the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus during the most important time in their lives. Outside of Sunday, I work for Westpac and enjoy spending my time reading old classics and Christian Literature with a coffee beside me. If I had more time, I would play the piano, violin more, and would consider picking up the cello to boot.

My name is Jess and I lead the youth girls at 1:30 Word Youth! I love seeing the girls engage in God’s Word every week and watching them mature in their faith. During the week, I study medicine and I love reading books and spending time with family and friends.

I’m Jackson He, one of the morning JTs leaders. I love digging into the word of God together with the youth and discovering and being challenged by what it says to us. During the week I am a research student studying cancer and developing medicines to treat it. I like to read, go on adventures, play games and visit other people’s pets. I look forward to where the Lord will take us both physically and spiritually this year!

I'm Sharon and I lead JTs at St John's Blackburn. I love doing life with the youth, reading and discussing God's word and having fun together! During the week, I work as a rail engineer designing structures in the rail corridor. I like cooking, hiking, watching Korean variety shows, and playing the Nintendo switch.

My name is Laura and I help lead the JTs on Sunday mornings at St John’s! I love having fun with the youth each week and seeing them grow in their faith and love for Jesus. It is a joy to be able to walk alongside them and encourage them in their walks with Christ. During the week, I study physiotherapy at La Trobe University. I also love to draw, listen to music and go for walks 🙂

Hi there!
My name is Daniel, and I co-lead the HTY Year 9 Boys. I love teaching and interacting with younger people, and hope to do a teaching course after I wrap up film school. In my spare time, I'm quite obsessed with cameras, and love to take photos and make videos 🙂